Open Editors collects data about scholarly journals' editors and editorial board members.
The dataset currently comprises:

You can get the whole dataset in two *.csv-files at GitHub.

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  Note that there may be difficulties with special characters. Please use the CSV-files at GitHub for deeper analyses.
Showing results 301 to 325 (out of a total 455 results found). | Download as CSV | See as JSON
1 ... 12 13 14 15 ... 19
Name Affiliation Role Journal Publisher ISSN Date
Professor Conor Gearty London School of Economics, UK International Ad … Legal Studies Cambridge University Press 2022-02-15
Christine Chinkin (Advisory Editor) London School of Economics, UK Advisory Editors Leiden Journal of International Law Cambridge University Press 2022-02-15
Tony Travers London School of Economics, UK Advisory Editorial Board Local Economy: The Journal of the Lo … SAGE 0269-0942 2022-01-04
Willem Buiter London School of Economics, UK Advisory Editors Macroeconomic Dynamics Cambridge University Press 2022-02-15
W. Van der Stede London School of Economics, United Kingdom Editor-in-Chief Management Accounting Research Elsevier 1044-5005 2022-01-06
M. Bromwich The London School of Economics and Political Scienc … Founding Editors Management Accounting Research Elsevier 1044-5005 2022-01-06
A. Bhimani The London School of Economics and Political Scienc … Editorial Board Management Accounting Research Elsevier 1044-5005 2022-01-06
Haiyang Liu The London School of Economics and Political Science, UK Editorial Review Board Management and Organization Review Cambridge University Press 2022-02-15
Lilie Chouliaraki London School of Economics and Political Sciences, UK Editorial Board Media, War & Conflict SAGE 1750-6352 2022-01-04
Elias Mossialos MD, PhD The London School of Economics and Political Science, UK Editorial Board Member Medicine Access @ Point of Care SAGE 2399-2026 2022-01-04
Rachel O'Neill London School of Economics, UK Editorial Board Men and Masculinities SAGE 1097-184X 2022-01-04
David McDaid, BSc, MSc The London School of Economics and Political Scienc … Editorial Board Members Mental Health & Prevention Elsevier 2212-6570 2022-01-06
Omar al-Ghazzi London School of Economics Editors Middle East Journal of Culture and C … Brill 1873-9857 2022-02-10
Nazanin Shahrokni The London School of Economics Advisory Board Middle East Law and Governance Brill 1876-3367 2022-02-10
Shruti Balaji London School of Economics, UK Editors Millennium: Journal of International Studies SAGE 0305-8298 2022-01-04
Olivia Nantermoz London School of Economics, UK Editors Millennium: Journal of International Studies SAGE 0305-8298 2022-01-04
Tarsis Brito Sepulveda-Coelho London School of Economics, UK Editors Millennium: Journal of International Studies SAGE 0305-8298 2022-01-04
Alice Engelhard London School of Economics, UK Associate Editors Millennium: Journal of International Studies SAGE 0305-8298 2022-01-04
Andy Li London School of Economics, UK Associate Editors Millennium: Journal of International Studies SAGE 0305-8298 2022-01-04
Enrike van Wingerden London School of Economics, UK Associate Editors Millennium: Journal of International Studies SAGE 0305-8298 2022-01-04
Jack Basu-Mellish London School of Economics, UK Deputy Editors Millennium: Journal of International Studies SAGE 0305-8298 2022-01-04
Katherina Khun London School of Economics, UK Deputy Editors Millennium: Journal of International Studies SAGE 0305-8298 2022-01-04
Raphaël Leduc London School of Economics, UK Deputy Editors Millennium: Journal of International Studies SAGE 0305-8298 2022-01-04
Agnes Yu London School of Economics, UK Deputy Editors Millennium: Journal of International Studies SAGE 0305-8298 2022-01-04
Rachel Zhou London School of Economics, UK Review Article Editor Millennium: Journal of International Studies SAGE 0305-8298 2022-01-04
Showing results 301 to 325 (out of a total 455 results found). | Download as CSV | See as JSON
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Data and Methods

Open Editors collects publicly available information about the editors and editorial boards of scholarly journals through a technique called webscraping, whereby a script accesses the websites of the publishers to extract the relevant information. The codes (programmed in R) are available at GitHub.

Currently, only journals of the following 26 publishers were taken into account:

For more details, please see the paper which outlines the method and data sample with greater precision. It also discusses issues of diversity and intersectionality; of linking the dataset with PIDs (persistent identifiers) such as ORCID and ROR; and of current limitations regarding the scope and coverage of the data.

The whole data dump – two CSV-files of ca. 128 MB – is available at GitHub (in the "Output"-folder and the 2022-subfolder).

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Feel Free to Re-Use the Data!

Open Editors is distributed under a Creative Commons-license (CC0). You can re-use the dataset or its codes freely. If you wish to attribute the original data-collection to Open Editors, you could perhaps include the following reference:

Nishikawa-Pacher, Andreas, Tamara Heck and Kerstin Schoch (2022), "Open Editors: A Dataset of Scholarly Journals’ Editorial Board Positions", Research Evaluation, DOI: 10.1093/reseval/rvac037.

If you use the dataset, please let us know (via e-mail) so that we can add a link to your work here!

Supported by ...

This project was made possible through a fellowship ("Freies Wissen") from Wikimedia Deutschland in 2020/21.

In addition, my other side-project OOIR (the Observatory of International Research) kindly provides the webspace for this project. :-)


You can contact me (Andreas Pacher) via [email protected].